Recommended CDs










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Dezember 2004

First, I added a little concert section above. Of course there will be announced all future gigs with my own bands and also a few other selected recommendations. For instance this month the premiere concert with the Flip Philipp/Ed Partyka Dectet band and the VAO Silvester Special. Also this month don´t miss the CD presentation concert on 15th in Lambach.

On 7th of december you will again have the chance to hear tracks from my new CD in the austrian national Radio Ö1 in "Jazztime" at 21:00 presented by Klaus Schulz. Thanks also to the state of Upper Austria and Austro Mechana/SKE for financial support for this CD production. I also added new photos to the gallery from the tour with Juvavum Brass featuring James Morrison.

In case you don´t know what to do best on December 31st or January 1st, maybe you should visit the VAO Silvester Special in the Porgy & Bess. We will play the programs "All that Strauss" & "Duke Ellingtons Sound of Love". Please also have a look at Dave Dickey runs an online radio program dedicated to trombones with an excellent selection of the best jazz, funk & latin "bone-recordings".

November 2004

At the moment I am still on tour with the Vienna Art Orchestra. For the latest news and stories about this exciting tour please have a look at the VAO tour diary. From november 1st to 3rd we are also playing in our "homeclub" in Vienna, the Porgy & Bess. Meet us there and and take the chance to listen "live" to the new VAO program Big Band Poesie.

On 15th of december there will be the presentation concert of my new CD "Heart Disc" in Upper Austria, in the Rossstall in Lambach. It will begin at 20:00 and CDs will be sold for a special price on this evening. There will also be a presentation concert in Vienna in January 2005 at the Porgy & Bess - the exact date will follow soon. Meanwhile here a very nice CD review from the All about Jazz Website.

Since I am travelling really a lot, I now decided to buy a new "toy" for on the road, namely an Apple iPod. With this great device I can have my complete CD library (about 500 CDs) with me in my pocket. Very cool. By the way, the Apple Online Music Store is also now availble in Austria, finally. Of course I had to test it immedeatly and I bought and downloaded a complete album (!) with CD Cover in only 3 minutes. This is really amazing. Of course, a fast internet conncetion is very helpful for this - mine is currently 1 MByte download in about 3 seconds ;-)

Oktober 2004

In October and November I will be pretty busy touring with several bands. First I will be touring in Austria & Germany with the Lungau Big Band featuring Jiggs Whigham and then with the Juvavum Brass Ensemble with special guest James Morisson. Then from mid october to mid of November there is the long tour with the VAO in Europe and South America.

At the moment I am writing a new composition for the mund.ART brass quintet and also some new jazz tunes for present & future projects. I was comissioned to write a contemporary piece for the trombone band of the conservatory in Linz and I will be a member of the new "Dectet" band of the great viennise vibist Flip Phillip. Expect some very interesting odd meter arrangements. Please also have a look at the new homepage of singer Dorretta Carter. It´s a very nicely designed site. I played in her band in the past and also on her first CD recording. If you like funk, soul and gospel music, this is definitely a hot place to go.

Noch ein Hinweis in eigener Sache: Manche von Ihnen werden vielleicht noch ein altes Handy irgendwo herumliegen haben, das nicht mehr gebraucht wird. Eine Aktion der Caritas sammelt diese und das Geld dafür wird für hilfsbedürftige Kinder verwendet. Ein ähnliche Initative gibt es auch von Aktion Leben, die leere Druckerprationen sammelt und deren Erlös schwangeren Frauen in Not zu gute kommt.

September 2004

September seems to be a really good month for me and I have some great news for you. First, my new CD "Heart Disc" was chosen as Favorite CD for the month September on the Jazz in Austria Homepage. This is a great website collecting information about all jazz musicians and bands in Austria. You will find a lot of interesting stuff there. Second, I was contacted by Kurt Dietrich, who is doing a book about the "History of Jazz Trombonists" from the very beginning to the present including all the most important jazz trombonists. And I was chosen as a representative for the "young european jazz bone scene" which of course is a great honor for me. I never thought that I would be "history" with 32 already ;-) By the way, if you like trombones and if you also like Duke Ellington, then you should also consider getting Mr. Dietrich´s last book "Duke´s Bones".

This are some great news and it´s also a very good reason to celebrate (again ;-) Therefore this time you can win the current CD of the Concert Jazz Orchestra Vienna "Continental Call" in the new digital surround format (DTS). It´s a great CD with a 1 hour "symphonic concerto" for big band and guitar featuring Wolfgang Muthspiel. You also can hear me solo on Euphonium on this very special CD. For more information please visit the CJOV Hompage.

To win this CD, just go to my guestbook on this homepage and enter "CJOV" and your email adress so that I can contact and send you this remarkable CD. The first entry will be the lucky winner. So may the fastest (internet connection ;-) win ...

August 2004

This week we are finishing the recordings for the brand new program called "Big Band Poesie" with the VAO and I had to record my solo today. It was quite tricky because I had to do some harmon-plunger work with a lot of style, mute, mood & key changes. But I succeeded quite well ;-) If you are interested to read more about these recordings and the summer tours please read the VAO 2004 Summer/Recording diary by Ed Partyka. This new CD will introduce some nice sounds which you probably havn´t heard yet with a Big Band. Look out for this outstanding recording in beginning of october or vistit us live on one ouf our concerts in Europe and South America.

Tomorrow on 7th of August 2004 there will also be an one hour portrait about myself and my new CD "Heart Disc" in the austrian national radio Ö1 at 23:05 (11.05 pm) at central european time. You can also listen to that interview worldwide live over the web thanks to the internet at the following adress: - on this page click on Webradio (Liveradio, Windows Media Player ist required). I will of course play some tracks of my new CD and also some perfomances with the Vienna Art Orchestra, the Upper Austrian Jazz Orchestra, Achim Tang´s "In the long run" & Heavy Tuba.

I also got two new videos for the homepage. One video with Bob Mintzer and the Lungau Big Band and one video with the wonderful soulband Harry´s House. I will put them online probably next week as I am quite busy at the moment. So be sure to come back again a little later...

July 2004

Finally, I got it done. Or better let´s say, I got it rolling again, since a homepage is never finished anyway. The most breaking news maybe is that I am a married man now for about 10 months. A very happy married man, to be precise ;-) To learn more about that maybe click here ...

Then of course I am also very glad to be able to announce my new Quintet CD "Heart Disc". It´s a record containing 7 original tracks by myself. With this CD you will also learn more about the "Composer" Robert Bachner. Go to the CD & Music Page and listen to some examples, download some music as PDF and also read more detailed information about the compositions.

In the next about two weeks we will rehearse and record the new program called "Big Band Poesie" with the Vienna Art Orchestra in Vienna at the Porgy & Bess Jazzclub. In fall there will also be a long tour in Europe & South America with this and also other programs. Check out the VAO Homepage for further details. Always check out also the latest information and events from the Upper Austrian Jazz Orchestra. Especially listen to the demo tracks of our latest CD "Deference to Anton Bruckner". I wrote a "symphonic ballad" for this very unique program. Of course you also can order CD´s online at the UAJO Homepage.

Besides being a "Jazz Trombonist" I also play and write a lot for Euphonium (and Tuba). This work is documented here. Please also note my new guestbook and drop some lines for me if you feel like doing so ;-)

All the best, Robert